My Reiki Lineage and Attunements

I am grateful to be part of a prestigious Reiki Lineage which believes in honouring and safeguarding our special lineage and traditions. If you choose to take a Reiki course with me this is the energy you will receive and also be part of once you receive your Attunements.
There are a number of websites now offering downloadable Reiki Courses, Attunements, Initiations etc and I would ask that you please note that these can't attune a person to the Reiki energy.
It is important we safeguard the whole Reiki Degree, Attunement and Initiation process, just as it was handed down from our Master and their Masters. Safeguarding the symbols and techniques that have been handed down is extremely important to me and other masters within my lineage for the continuation of this traditional Usui Reiki in order that it remains available for all the masters we train, and their subsequent masters, to use in the future.
Some Reiki Masters hold the Reiki Level 1 and Reiki Level 2 degrees at the same time. This is not the way you should be taught or receive your Attunements, as Reiki Level 1 is about you and your journey and it is recommended that you leave a gap of at least six months between doing your Reiki level 1 and Reiki level 2 to allow the energy from the 1st Degree to settle throughout your physical body as many changes can happen.
It has also been noticed that a number of masters have been carrying out only 2 or 3 Attunements on degree courses that they have sold to students. This is not correct and certainly isn't the way Reiki should be taught. On each degree course – Reiki Level 1, 2 and Masters - students should always be given four Attunements; two on the first day and two on the second day, with at least 2 hours between each Attunement.
The Attunements are a very ancient process for fine tuning the physical and etheric bodies to a higher vibratory level and open a purified channel in the body for the energy to pass through. The energy firstly transmits any negativity or blocks within the practitioner thus ensuring that they never pass on negativity to the recipient.
The Lineage below details my unique link back to Dr Mikao Usui and this, together with the knowledge that I am fully insured and a member of the Reiki Federation (which only accepts practitioners of the highest possible standard with proven Reiki lineage) and of the Reiki Healing Association, will hopefully give you the assurance that I am trustworthy and professional.
I aim to offer the very best in Reiki healing and teaching. I am 11th Generation to Dr Mikao Usui and if you take your Reiki Master/Teacher degree with me you will be 12th generation. I am also a Holy Fire Reiki Master.
Dr Mikao Usui
1st Generation
Chujiro Hayashi
2nd Generation
Hawayo Takata
3rd Generation
Iris Ishikura
4th Generation
Arthur Robertson
5th Generation
Jeanine Sande
6th Generation
Judith Tripp Chasin
7th Generation
Sarah Hulme
8th Generation
Ethel Kilroy
9th Generation
Stella Dolan
10th Generation
Julie Ferguson
11th Generation